You have a role to play!

We can only achieve our mission through the support of generous donors like you. Your tax-deductible contribution allows us to stage the finest professional theatre, offer inspirational educational programs,
and lead in the exciting rebirth of our community.

Gifts of Stock

We also gratefully accept gifts of full matured stock and securities. Click to learn more!

Our Wish List

Shadowland Stages has a growing wish list of items you may have (or be able to secure) to help us fulfill our mission. Click to learn more!


With a donation of $350, you can “Adopt-A-Seat” and we’ll engrave a seat plaque with your name or text. Makes a great gift! Click to learn more.

Be a part of the Shadowland Stages Story - Make a Legacy Gift

In celebration of our thirty-five years together, we’re asking our  subscribers and donors to consider helping to ensure the Shadowland’s legacy for future generations by including a gift in your estate planning.

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