The SHADOWLAND FOUNDATION, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is dedicated to securing the future of the arts within our community. Through its support, SHADOWLAND FOUNDATION empowers SHADOWLAND STAGES, a 40 year old not-for-profit live theatre based in the heart of the Hudson Valley, to achieve its mission of presenting top-tier professional theatre, providing inspirational educational programs, and playing a pivotal role in the vibrant revival of Ellenville, NY.

Please consider embracing your legacy by leaving a gift in your will to ‘The Shadowland Foundation Inc.’

Or you may wish to designate the Foundation as one of the beneficiaries of your brokerage account. Even better, there are definite tax savings to naming The Shadowland Foundation Inc. as an annual beneficiary of your IRA’s required minimum distribution when you reach 72 years old.

Gifts may be sent to: Shadowland Stages, ATTN: The Shadowland Foundation, 98 Center Street, Ellenville, NY, 12428

The Shadowland Foundation Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt organization: EIN # 87-3265906

If you would like to know more about the Foundation, it’s needs and how to make a legacy gift for future generations please email foundation@shadowlandstages.org or call us at (845) 210-4848.

“Please join us in making a gift to future generations by keeping live theater alive.”
Bob Osgood, President of The Shadowland Foundation

Amy Park
The Shadowland Murals, Main Stage of SHADOWLAND STAGES, 2023
Watercolor on paper rendering of façade.

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